USITT Highlights our KLVR Charger Pro in a recent article

We're super stoked to let you know that the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) has given a shoutout to our game-changer, the KLVR Charger Pro, in a recent article.

USITT, which has been around since 1960, is all about sparking conversation, research, and learning among folks who work in theatre design and tech. It's a top-notch place for lifelong learning opportunities in the entertainment design and tech industry, with a member count in the thousands.

Our KLVR Charger Pro gained the attention of USITT thanks to its innovative design and its potential to seriously cut down costs and environmental waste tied to disposable batteries in the audio and entertainment world.

To get the full scoop, check out the USITT article here. We're so thankful for the recognition and we're committed to keep pushing the envelope in the AV industry!


KLVR Charger Pro featured in Live Design